Vacuum Fittings Shipped from Albuquerque, New Mexico

Scientific Vacuum Sales & Support, Inc. in Albuquerque, NM carries everything laboratories need to build, maintain and repair vacuum systems.

Vacuum fittings are both essential to the initial set-up of your system as well as system modification. Scientific Vacuum Sales & Support, Inc. supplies a wide variety of vacuum fittings to help you construct or enhance your vacuum system to get the performance you need.

Extensive Selection of Vacuum Fittings

Vacuum fittings is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of component types, including:

Every type of vacuum fitting comes in a number of sizes and/or configurations. There are simply too many vacuum fitting products to list. To order, please contact us. We will help you find the right fittings for your vacuum system.

Get the Right Vacuum Fittings the First Time

All vacuum fitting products may be returned to Scientific Vacuum Sales & Support, Inc. within 30 days of purchase if unopened. But who has time for returns? Rather than deal with the hassle, please contact us. Our knowledgeable technicians will take the time to understand your needs and performance goals so that we can order the right fittings the first time.

Vacuum Fitting Installation

Scientific Vacuum Sales & Support, Inc. does more than supply vacuum fittings. We can install them, too. Assistance from our technicians may be more cost-effective and time-efficient. We offer a number of possibilities for vacuum fitting installation, including:

  • Drop-off service at our Albuquerque, NM shop
  • Coordinated pick-up or transport to get your system to our facility
  • On-site vacuum service

When you contact us to order the vacuum fittings you need, we can give you an estimate of the time it will take to complete the installation once the fittings are available.

Call Scientific Vacuum Sales & Support, Inc. at (505) 345-9680 for vacuum fittings and installation service.

Innovative solutions to support the scientific community